Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear Mom - Primary Week (And Emmy Fashions, Too!)

Dear Mom,

Well, we had our primaries this past week, and things are no less nutty than before. A tea partier, who believes that as we recover from a devastating economic recession the solution to our problems lies in putting Social Security into the stock market, defeated a relative moderate for the Republican nomination. This may actually provide a boost to the incumbent, Gabrielle Giffords, who may attract those Republicans who look at the Tea Party a bit warily, as in, hoping they're not as cracked as some of their loudest members would seem. (I actually think there is some rational basis for the Tea Party anger, but as with most such movements, founded in intensity, the extreme elements and exploiters take over and make it look radical and not a little crazy).

We're losing our capable, honest Attorney General, who got the Democratic nod for Governor (his name is Terry Goddard and he looks like a guy who needs a couple of good meals)As it stands now we don't know who the Democratic nominee will be, but the Republican slot went to the former State head of the Education Department, who has declared open warfare against the Tucson Unified School District for its Ethnic Studies Program, which he feels fosters hate and separatism. I think it fosters an interest in and appreciation for the many contributions of Americans of all colors, faiths and backgrounds, but I'm not the one who was in a position to have the State Legislature pass - and the Governor sign - a statewide bill penalizing school districts who have such programs.

Sen. McCain was considered highly vulnerable at the beginning of 'campaign season', yet easily defeated his only major challenger, another Tea Party favorite named JD Hayworth, who lost, I believe, because while McCain was portrayed as hypocritical and past his prime, Hayworth came across with the integrity and honor of a snake oil salesman. Not saying either picture is true, just going by the ads I so earnestly try to avoid. Now McCain faces a Tucson City Council member named Rodney Glassman whose chances are right up there with the Winter Olympics being awarded to Hell.

On a lighter note, the Emmy Awards were this weekend (I know how heartbroken you must have been to miss them!) and I thought of you during several WTF fashion moments. One woman wore something made of bright blue fabric discs that flared out in various directions; another looked like her chest was covered with a giant black and white cookie. There was a man in a silver grey tuxedo and another in strange shades of blue and violet (though maybe my tv needs color adjustment). I'm not specifying names because you would only tell me you never heard of any of these people and in this case I think you would be right.

Donovan Juan dropped my class. Think he was worried about my sense of humor?

Anne still worries that I don't write you enough. She could write, too... I'm just saying...

But honestly, I'll try to write more often.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear Mom - More Politics

Dear Mom,

Lots of political posturing going on all over the country. Here in Arizona - state of sorrow, state of crackpot extremism, state that hates education - everyone's jostling to see who can come across as toughest on illegal immigration and 'protecting the border'. A major theme of the Senate campaign is 'taking on the Federal Government', 'fighting the Federal Government' and 'willing to do what the Feds won't do', with all in turn forgetting that the US Senate is a branch of the very same Federal Government. I've come to understand your final disillusionment with the whole process. But I refuse to give in completely. I'm still actively engaged, and hoping for better.

A recent boiling point has a Muslim group building a Community Center two blocks from Ground Zero. Needless to say, there is a lot of heat. I said on Facebook that I felt this was a good opportunity to establish that we meant it when we said we weren't at war with mainstream Islam. This created quite a stir among my friends, who come from a wide range of political persuasions. Then Anne - who sends love and thinks I should write you more often - brought up the following point, which I also added to the Facebook debate: If two blocks away from Ground Zero is insensitive, would three blocks be less so? Four? Twenty-four? Outside New York City? Where do we draw the line? And what of the mosque that is within the Pentagon? Is that insensitive?

We almost went on a mini-vacation to Santa Fe but couldn't quite schedule it. So we're settling for a day trip to Tubac, an art colony nearish the border (the one everyone is yelling about). Will let you know how it goes - it sounds like something you would have enjoyed.

Till next time, love,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dear Mom - Name of the Week

Dear Mom,

While checking my class registration lists - we start in two weeks - I noticed a new student in my Tudor/Stuart England class. His name is Donovan Juan. Do you think anyone calls him Don? (Needless to say I will not laugh if that turns out to be the case).

Anne asked me why I didn't tell you that Kasey and Carolyn broke up - I told her I figured Aunt Mitzi would do it. Anyway, they did. They have shared custody of me. Jokes aside, I'm not being middled, neither is asking me to take sides.

Back to my PowerPoint constructions. Trying to make Henry VII visually interesting.


Friday, August 6, 2010

I Am A Muse (And You, No Doubt, Are Amused)

Dear Mom,

Yesterday was President Obama's birthday and the Senate, as expected, gave him Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court. There are now three women on the Court, a lifetime total of four. Kind of wild, considering the first woman was put on the bench less than thirty years ago.

I sometimes think I should have started this project a couple of years ago. So many times I wanted to call you during the 2008 campaign - the surging force of the Obama and Clinton candidacies, the nomination of Obama, the last great speech by Teddy Kennedy, McCain's selection of Sarah Palin, the historical election night - I think you probably heard my scream wherever your ashes float - and the inauguration. But here and now are where we are, so... moving on.

M is getting ready to finish summer session next week. Her final project for her Darkroom class is supposed to be a narrative series of mounted photos, so she decided to do it on Sabbath Dinner - my preparations, the set table, the lighting of the candles, etc. She says I'm her muse! I actually think it's the dog, but it's still very sweet of her to say so. The dog is actually more photogenic. (I know, I know, you do not want to hear about it...)

Carolyn and Kasey and I have formed a Supper Club - rotating courses, trying new things. First meeting is a week from Sunday, with Kasey claiming the entree - Chinese spare ribs. I'm trying out a recipe for Chinese Almond Torte, and Carolyn is making corn souffle. M has offered to work for food. They're thrilled to get a willing dishwasher, so everyone's happy. In spite of her tensions and differences with Carolyn particularly, M is very pleased to be part of this, and I'm pleased that she's pleased.

Okay, I've talked about the dog, about Kasey and Carolyn, you are probably getting irritated...

My contracts for fall semester came in and I signed, of course. I have eighteen students signed up for the new Tudor/Stuart course! I've completed my first Powerpoint presentation for it, and think I managed to make sense out of the Wars of The Roses. A friend looked over the Powerpoint, and said, 'it's really pretty', lol.

Speaking of flowers, there's irises popping up around the apartment decor. I never see one without thinking of you. Also thinking of you while watching the miniseries "Pillars of the Earth", which deals with the building of a medieval cathedral. You'd have liked it if you had the patience for it.
